Well I am now into my second week of college and Dixie, and I really do like it. I was kind of dreading the thought of starting but only because I'm not sure what exactly I want to go into. I'm really leaning in the direction on Dental Hygene. I'm just taking all my basics right now so I can get my Associates of Science. It's been nice because my brother (Ryan), and his girlfriend Kelli are going and I have a couple of classes with them so it makes it a lot more comfortable to have some friendly faces. My boyfriend Blake is also going to school, and I have a couple classes with him which makes it alot of fun! I also just picked up a second job and that is kind of wearing me out. I really enjoy it though it deffinatley keeps me busy having both jobs and going to school full time. During the week I work with my cousin who has autism. He is such a cute boy he just turned fourteen and I love working with him. On the weekends I work for a company called Danville. Its also very fullfilling. I work in a home with adults that have physical and mental dissabilities. They are sooo funny sometimes! I'm always laughing because they just have the best attitudes on life and they don't really take it too hard. It's deffinatley been a learning experience for me. Well I'm still pretty new to this whole blogging thing so I will try to keep up to date, It's kind of nice to release all of my thoughts!